
Folkloric Ballet IMAGES OF PERU

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Creative Team Republic of Peru

In the spotlight

VALICHA, is the proper name of a woman, to whom this huayno is dedicated. It is a representative huayno of the department of Cusco. The city of Cusco is the capital of the Inca Empire, where the Machupicchu citadel is located, considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. The word huayno comes from the Quechua language of the Incas, which means young, so huayno is generally interpreted by young people, and that in this part of Peru is characterized by being cheerful. This huayno, Valicha, has lyrics and was written in Quechua, which in its translation into Spanish tells us a love story. Based on the lyrics of the song, we propose this choreographic proposal, where we can appreciate a lot of coordination of couples and we show the hubbub of the people of Cusco in their party celebrations.

The clothing is typical of the region, made by the artisans of the area where they show the flora of the region in their embroidery, they also use their own natural dyes for the dyeing of the wool that they will use in their fabrics and embroidery.

The dancers are accompanied by characteristic cries in the performance of the dance. Generally, we perform it with live musicians who are 4 who accompany us.

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