The goal of “World Folk Vision” is to promote cultural products in global international markets and to expand international cultural cooperation. At the initiative of a number of international civil society institutions (organizations) in  the  several countries of the world, in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, on    November 28, 2019, in the capital of the Republic of Poland , Warsaw, on December 3, 2019, in the administrative center of the province of Verona, Italian Republic, on December 5, 2019 creative workers, artistic intelligentsia, cultural and art workers, representatives of civil society organizations from various countries and the region gathered at their national forums (conferences).

In order to encourage governments, competent non-governmental organizations, citizens, their families and individuals to put culture at the service of the progress of mankind, the International Charter of the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” was first proclaimed.

Representatives of civil society institutions from around the world, guided by the goal of giving a new impetus to the development of universal values ​​through culture and art, promoting their development, maintaining lasting peace, strengthening mutual respect and friendship, convinced of the advisability of free access for all people to culture and art, expressing the desire to develop and strengthen friendly ties and cooperation between peoples in the field of culture and art, they proclaimed a system of views on the principles and main activities in the field of international cultural cooperation.

The World Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” for promoting the international cultural cooperation and cultural products to global international markets includes a communication system and views in the fields of culture, art, science, education, the media, cultural exchanges, publishing, museum, library and archiving, sports and tourism.

The Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” is based on an understanding of the most important public mission of culture as a tool for transmitting to new generations a set of moral, ethical values ​​that form the basis of  the national identity of different countries of the world. Knowledge of one’s culture and participation in cultural activity lays in a person basic moral guidelines: respect for history and traditions, the spiritual foundations of the peoples of the world and allows to reveal the talents and abilities of each person.

The Chairman of the Eurasian Council for Culture, Science and Education, Vladimir Piskurev, at a forum in Warsaw noted that the World Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” involves the  raising the public status of culture, the influence of culture on all spheres of society, is considered more than once adopted and enshrined in the proclaimed The Charter is a set of measures and international initiatives, but as a continuous dynamic process. The Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” is constantly being adjusted depending on changes in the internal and external situations, takes into account newly emerging problems, and changes the set of actions when it is not possible to achieve the desired result with the initially selected means.

The participants and initiators of the World Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” unanimously decided to give the Secretariat of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization the functions of the depositary of the Charter of the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision”, on the basis that the EECO is a member to the United Nations Global Compact.

The representative of the Polish side Slavomir Bober noted that t he  mutually beneficial international cultural cooperation can make a significant contribution to the achievement of fundamental goals and increase the effectiveness of the foreign policy of any state. In the face of the threat of intercivilizational rift, the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” on establishing an intercultural dialogue is acquiring special significance. The potential of culture as an effective tool to smooth out differences between states and peoples is growing.

Stefano Valdegamberi, Regional Advisor to the Veneto Northeast Italy Regional Council, noted in his speech that the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” requires innovative approaches in modern conditions. Initiatives in the field of the international cultural cooperation will contribute to solve the problems of modernization of all interested communities, peoples and nations. Culture is increasingly becoming a kind of product, and many states are striving to do as much as possible for its promotion on the world market, and rivalry in this area is noticeably aggravated. In the context of globalization, the comprehensive and effective use of the spiritual and cultural potential of various nations and nationalities is able to contribute to the formation of an objective and favorable image of any country. Effective actions in this direction are in the interest of increasing the number of friends, opposition to the implementation of new dividing lines, the neutralization of biased sentiments of political and ideological origin.

Speakers unanimously concluded that at the current crucial stage of world development, people's cultural diplomacy is becoming increasingly important.

The Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” in the field of international cultural cooperation will be built in such a way that in different countries of the world a more complete picture is formed of countries where the rich historical traditions of national culture are carefully preserved and at the same time a dynamic cultural life is developed in the face of diversity and freedom of creativity , pluralism of opinions, lack of censorship restrictions.

Chairman of the Eurasian Council for Culture, Science and Education Vladimir Piskurev drew attention to the fact that the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” is designed to promote the establishment and maintenance of sustainable and long-term ties between states, public organizations and people. Vladimir Piskurev believes that such contacts will contribute to the establishment of interstate cooperation not only in the field of culture, but also in other areas, including the economy.

The participants unanimously announced that this Charter of the World Cultural Vision Global Cultural Initiative is open to the accession of various participants sharing the goals and principles of this Charter.

The World Folk Vision Charter of the Global Cultural Initiative enters into force for joining participants from the day it is submitted to the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization, which is a member to the United Nations Global Compact and the depositary of this Charter.

Participants who join and sign the Charter receive the status of "Resident - Global Cultural Initiative" World Folk Vision ".

A document confirming the status of the Resident of the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” will be issued by the depositary of this Charter - the Eurasian Economic  Cooperation Organization.

The dialogue of cultures is of great importance not only in terms of familiarizing the world community with the cultural heritage and cultural values ​​of other countries and peoples, but also in creating a positive reputation in the world for various countries open to other cultures.

Participation of residents in the international project of the Global Cultural Initiative “World Folk Vision” will contribute to the holding of authoritative international exhibitions, festivals and competitions of art, tours of the best international groups and artists, meetings of representatives of the creative intelligentsia, cultural days of different countries and regions of the world, scientific and educational forums , large-scale sporting events.