
The Folkloristic Group “Citta’ Di Agrigento“

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Creative Team Italian Republic

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The folkloristic group "CITTA' DI AGRIGENTO" has a rich programme of dances, songs and popular music,and it proposes a picture of the rustic life in Agrigento in the XVIII century.

The coreagraphical songs are inspired by the matters of job and love,poiting out through typical stornelli and delicate melodies the hard work in the fields and the visceral relationship between the countryman and his land.

The dabces feel the rules in Sicily by other countries, and avail themselves of a mediterranean rhythm to represent the only reason for live of a people who are strong thanks to the weal of their innate spirit.

The music is typically popular and it is executed by tipical instrumentes (Friscalettu, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Marranzanu, Drum, Cerchietto, Cianciane).

All this has been translated into several prizes and international rewards: In 1977 the best group - KAUSTINEN (FINLAND) "International Folk Festival"; In 1978 best group and best band - TARNOV (POLAND) "International Folk Festival"; In 1981 first classified - ROMANS (FRANCE) "International Folk Festival"; In 1984 second classified at the choral competition of the CANTANIGROS (SPAIN) "International Folk Festival"; In 1995 best group for sympathy and temperament -" BALTICA 95" TALLIN (ESTONY) "International Folk Festival" (C.I.O.F.F.) and other festival: USA, Japan, Malesia, Argentina, Brasile, Korea, Israele, Russia, Messico, Cina, Australia and all festival in Europe. Nevertheless, there are other national and regional reward like:The "TELAMONE DI BRONZO" prize regarding popular traditions, the "MARRANZANO D'ARGENTO" as best sicilian group of the year 1986, the "PREMIO PALCOSCENICO" for the actvity carried out in 1996 and in premio “Salvatore Cottone” as best Sicilian group of the year 2006.

The group was founded by Mrs. Dell' Aira Elia Milano. Today’s the group is managed with skill and devotion by its chairman Mr Riccardo Cacicia, who takes care of its artistic direction availing himself of his wife's Letizia Sferrazza, precious collaboration.The Folkloristic group “CITTÀ DI AGRIGENTO” has a rich programme of dances, songs and popular music, and it proposes a picture of the the rustic life in Agrigento in the XVIII century. Choreographically the songs are inspired by the matters of job and love, pointing out through typical stornelli and delicate melodies the hard work in the fields and the visceral relationship between the countryman and his land country life in the XVIII century.The songs choreographically performed are basically inspired to love and work themes that through typical and delicate melodies put in evidence the visceral relationship between the countryman and his land.The dances put in evidence the energy of the people that react against the difficulties of life, and show the influences of the different foreign people that dominated Sicily.

Tank's to a special Mediterranean rhythm the dances feature perfectly the one and only reason of life of the Sicilian people, the unique richness of their inborn spirit.

The original Sicilian folk sound is delivered by typical instruments like: (Friscalettu, marranzanu, cerchietto, cianciane, accordion, drum and guitar).

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