Aims of the World festival-contest of national cultures and art WORLD
- Development and strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between
peoples of different countries in the field of culture and art;
- Assistance in tour organization of ensembles and individual performers,
promotion of the cooperation and mutual relations between artistic unions,
public organizations, associations, foundations and other non-governmental
organizations, establishment of contacts between cultural and art workers, as
well as realization of direct contacts of various regions of the world of the
world in the field of culture and art.
- Realization of the strategic role of culture as a spiritual and moral basis
for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, strengthening of the
unity of society and civic identity, as well as integrated development of the
culture-related tourism to introduce citizens of the world to cultural and
natural heritage with due regard to provide of economic and socio-cultural
progress in various regions of the world.
- Creation of the auspicious conditions for the development of cultural ties,
cultural exchange and cooperation in the field of theater, music, fine, variety
and circus arts, cinema, television and radio broadcasting, protection and
rational use of monuments and other objects of cultural and historical
heritage, amateur folk art, folk crafts and other types of cultural
Objectives of the World festival-contest of national cultures and art
- Development and self-realization of the individual, the humanization of
society, the preservation of the national identity of peoples, affirmation of
their dignity;
- Development of intercultural dialogue at the international level,
strengthening of interethnic and interregional relations;
- Social progress security, civil peace and interethnic harmony;
- Preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the peoples of the
world, providing access to world cultural values to citizens;
- Creation of conditions for preservation and development of the cultural
potential of various nations, their integration into the world cultural
process, ensuring the adaptation of the cultural sphere to market
- Preservation of national cultural identity and creation of conditions for
ensuring equal access to cultural goods, development and realization of
cultural and spiritual potential of each individual;
- Creation of conditions for improving the quality and diversity of services
provided in the field of culture and art;
- Creation of conditions for realization by each person his creative
- Detection and popularization of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the
- Creation of a positive cultural image of the world’s regions in the world
- Improvement of the quality and competitiveness of a tourist regional
product in the domestic and world markets;
- Creation of auspicious conditions for sustainable development of culture
and tourism;
- Development of the world cultural and information space, increasing the
level of accessibility of cultural values and reduction of territorial
differentiation in the provision of the population with products of cultural
activities of a humanity;
- Preservation of the national heritage of various countries (both material
and spiritual), accumulated by previous generations;
- Promotion of the recognition of the equal dignity of the national cultures
of all people, their mutual enrichment, while respecting the identity of each
of them;
- Consolidation of the essential rights of the individual to cultural
identity, freedom of creativity, cultural activity, satisfaction of spiritual
needs and attachment to cultural values;
- Development of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples as a source of
non-material and material wealth, their positive contribution to sustainable
development, ensuring their proper protection and encouragement;
- Establishment of state-private partnership institutions, development of the
market of cultural values, joint participation of the state and business in the
development of this market, as well as in economically effective projects in
the field of culture;
- Assistance in promotion of the cultural traditions and national assets of
various regions of the world to the international level;
- Implementation and distribution of new information products and
technologies in the field of culture and mass communications;
- Detection and support of young talents in the field of culture, art and
mass communications, supporting promising creative projects, overcoming
existing trends in the outflow of talented cultural and art workers from their
- Expansion of the participation of various regions in the world cultural
process, promotion of cultural achievements in the world, convergence of aims
and objectives of the experience of national and world culture, mutual
borrowing of the experience of international cultural organizations in
addressing the challenges facing regional culture and art;
- Contribution to the adaptation of the field of culture and art to new
market conditions, protecting it from harsh market influences, preventing the
destruction of culture and art in a competitive environment;
- Contribution to the development of creative potential, preservation and
growth of national education systems, detection and support of young
- Activation of international and interethnic cultural exchange, increasing
the level of access to culture and art for the population of different regions
from different countries;
- Development of culture and art through the formation of an effective
environment for experimentation and innovation, the introduction of new
- Support for authors of new ideas and methods of creativity, creative debuts
in the field of culture and art, broadening the possibilities for searching and
implementing innovative concepts of the development of art;
- Support of regional folklore festivals dedicated to the revival of
traditions, rituals, celebrations and customs of the peoples of the world;
- Increase of competitiveness of the tourist market of regions of the world,
satisfying needs of tourists and travelers in culture-related tourism;
- Development of a tourist and recreational complex of the regions of the
world, improving the quality of tourist services, promoting a tourist product
associated with cultural and educational tourism in the domestic and world
tourist markets.